Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nautical nonsense and preschoolers.

Just so that I give credit where credit is due, the print I found to use as my new background is from: Additionally, I should probably give credit to a quote that has been inspiring me lately, which also has to do with my new background. It is as follows:

A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.” — John A. Shedd.

I love all things nautical (including anchors)--much to the bemusement of my family probably, considering I REALLY don't care for, or even like, Lake State. In fact, when I came home with a blue phone case that had an anchor on the back, I didn't hear the end of it. I bought a new case, naturally. It is now sparkly silver and gold and has been deemed the "porn star phone case" by one of my best friend's cousins. C'est la vie. Anyways, I just love my new background simply for the fact that it has chevron, a nautical feel, and NO anchor. Everyone's happy.

I have been thinking about the quote I mentioned a lot lately. Growing up in the U.P., we are in a nautical environment ALL the time. I never really realized it until I moved out West though. I'm proud of being from Michigan--more specifically, the U.P.. It's an amazing area.

SIDEBAR: I'm going to be like everyone else and just say, THIS WINTER IS BULLSHIT. Like, seriously. Okay, if we're going to get a bunch of snow, fine. Whatever. I would prefer cold to snow, but NOT BOTH. It's March this weekend and our 10-day forecast does not have us getting above zero--not including wind chill. I'm just done with it.

So the U.P. is great. In the summer, Michigan is the most incredible place in the country to be--in my not-so-unbiased opinion. This winter has kind of solidified my desire to look for my CFY (9 month clinical fellowship all SLPs are required to do) in southern states. So I've started doing that. I can't wait to be WARM, provided that I get a job down there. If I end up hating it, then hey, it's only for one school year. I've left the harbor once for the Wild West and loved it, might as well do it again in a different direction!

For a quick update, I've been working at a preschool in Marquette. It's wonderful. I had no desire to work with the preschool population, but now being in one that is inclusive (as in, we provide speech-language services to the kids in their classroom) it's making me consider doing this for a job. I'm a little wary that I haven't yet worked in a skilled nursing facility or hospital. Those are the environments I was, and still am, most interested in working in; however, there's something to be said for truly looking forward to going to your job every day. Here are a few reasons I love the preschool:

1. The kids are FREAKIN' hilarious. Like, I crack up almost daily.
2. The people I am working with are awesome and they make going there everyday enjoyable.
3. The kids are FREAKIN' adorable. Like, I just want to pick them up and squeeze them sometimes.
7. It's actually a big challenge. I thought that being at a preschool would become kind of routine and wouldn't be super challenging. I've been proven wrong. I've had to learn a ton about behavior management and strategy. I also always have to be on my feet thinking about what each child's goals are and how I can incorporate them into the classroom activities we are doing. The evaluations I've been doing are great too.
9. I get to play with Legos, Playdough, blocks, etc. It's great.

I'm starting to think that maybe it would be fun to have a job where you see so much progress in your clients. It also is great to be there during the times they are learning a ton to provide them with the best possible intervention and language learning you can. Preschoolers are at this crazy age and some of them have more negative things going on in their life than you or I do. It's extremely rewarding to be that person there telling them you care about them and making them feel good about themselves--and hopefully providing a good base for the future. It's pretty neat. To finish off, I'll provide a few anonymous things my kids have said to me:

1. (There will be a few in one number for this kid). While staring longingly into my eyes, "you're hands are so soft."
"Look at your cheekies, your beautiful little cheekies" (then pinches my cheeks).
"I just LOVE your beautiful hair" (then pets my hair).
"We're going to play house. You be the mommy, and I'll be the doctor" (I shut this one down quickly).
"Ms. Mia, do you want to know something? You're beautiful." (I say "thank you").
Later, child turns around and says, "Ms. Mia, do you still want to be beautiful?" Um.... yes?

2. Child brings show and tell stuffed animals: an elephant and a seal. We ask their names. They were Porky and Tooter, respectively. Spunky young child bounces in seat raising a hand to ask a question of the child who brought show and tell like an interviewer at a press conference: "Umm, yes, thanks. First, I'd like to ask a question about Tooter...". Proceeds with Tooter having his 15 minutes of fame and Porky being swept to the side.

3. One of my favorites so far, while talking to my supervisor and I: "I don't know if you know this, but you're going to die. You're going to get old, and you're going to die. I won't, I want to stay little, so I won't die. But you will. You're going to meet our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, up there. But don't worry, he's a pretty nice guy. And Slipknot is the devil's music." We just stared at each other.

4. Same child as #3 with another child, sitting on bean bags. I think, awesome! Perfect opportunity for some language treatment! I'll read this one like a dialogue:
Me (M): Hey, guys! What are ya up to? (Both stare at me like I'm nuts).
Boy (B): Just talking.
Girl (G): Yea, just talking.
M: Can I sit with you, or would you rather be alone?
G: We'd rather be alone.
B: Yea, and she's my girlfriend and we're gonna get married. We'd rather be alone.
M: Okay.... well, see ya. (Walk away with head down. I am not the cool kid in class). 

Later that day:
B: Ms. Mia! Look what I drew!
M: (Trying to interpret scribbles) Oh, nice! What is it?
B: Me and G up on top of a hill swinging in the sunset because we're in love. Isn't that nice?!
M: Umm...
B: (To girl) Would you like that? We'll take a picnic and walk up a hill and lay on a blanket and eat the picnic and watch the sunrise! Does that sound fun?
G: (This actually happened. Girl exasperatedly puts her head in her hands and says) Not now, we're coloring.

I'll try to update more with anonymous silly stories, because there have been many I've forgotten.

Love, y'all!