Sunday, June 23, 2013


Wow. So it has been a very long time since I've posted anything. To sum up my last semester, let's do this:

1. It sucked.
2. It sucked.
3. It sucked.


I mean, don't get me wrong; there were some great things that happened. It was just extremely busy, and I really don't remember much of it. Here is a rundown of what I did:

1. Basic classes.
2. An extra class.
3. Clinic.
4. Thesis writing (I think I'm on draft twenty-something).
5. Thesis prospectus meeting ("IT'S APPROVED" in the voice of Kristen Wiig).
6. Lab scheduling, training, and weekly meetings (I had 9 undergrads working in there).
7. Thesis research.
8. Additional research.
9. Went to the bar.
10. Watched hockey.
11. Slept.
12. Ate.
13. Had strep..... AGAIN.

So, that's it. Now, onto more recent events.

I am heading into the final week of my first summer course. We have a Saturday class from 9-3 that runs for eight weeks; we also have two three-week courses that go Monday-Friday. So, this is the last week of the first, then I get a week off (still having to go on Saturday), then I go for another three weeks, then I get to go HOME. HOME HOME HOME HOME HOME. Do you know when I get there it will have been nearly eight months since I'll have been in Michigan. I am more excited than I thought possible. I miss everything and everyone.

Right now I'm really feeling the effects of not having a massive body of water at my disposal. I wish I still had to keep a swim bag in my car so that I could just head to the beach whenever I felt like it. I miss my Coco calling me randomly to go to Presque and being able to do it. I miss Blackrocks A TON. The only microbrewery we have here is a sports bar, and it's currently being moved and renovated.

I moved into a new apartment. It's in the most ridiculously awesome location on the corner of the two busiest streets downtown. Soo: think Corner of Ashmun and Portage, I guess. Marquette: think corner of Washington and Third. Anyways, it's great. It's got wood floors and white walls and big windows (even though there's only two of them). It's kind of everything I've ever wanted in an apartment.

Summer in Laramie is beautiful. There's lots of flowers and sunshine. It's been in the 80's every day since I've gotten back from Florida.

SIDEBAR: Oh, yea. I went to Florida. My blood sugar was high the whole time, so I was tired and sick feeling for most of the trip, so that kind of sucked. It was just really nice to be back in the humidity, sun, and heat. Also, being able to be in a pool didn't hurt (I don't really love the ocean).

So anyways, summer here is nice. I've been playing a lot of sand volleyball (as there are no beaches), tennis, walking, cooking, reading, and generally being relaxed. Summer courses haven't been too bad, so I've been able to enjoy it. I think after last semester I just realize that I can, in fact, do this.

I went hiking last weekend and found some water! Granted, it was wayyyyy high up in the mountains and there was still ice in it. I was so ridiculously excited when I saw a collection of H2O larger than a puddle out here that I nearly screamed. I put my feet in it. It was freezing, but glorious. :) I can't WAIT to get back in my lakes.

Other than what I've mentioned, I've just been drinking a lot of beer and hanging out. Typical, eh? I've been struggling a bit with some things, but it's nothing a good rereading of "The Four Agreements", good music, and some Skype dates with home friends can't fix. I'll try to post more regularly now, and maybe include some entertaining stories. Sorry this one was boring, it was more of an update for my family and such.

Sendin' my thoughts from 7220 feet. Love y'all.

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