Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Jubilation!.... and I did good with not laughing at kids today.

I changed my layout and background. Now that that's done:

Well, what has happened recently? Last weekend was Jubilee Days. It's this festival that Laramie throws every year where the downtown streets--AKA: the streets right outside of my apartment--are blocked off for outdoor drinking and festivities. There's rodeos and a carnival and such too. It was mostly a good time. I enjoyed having music when I opened my windows, and I also enjoyed being to walk a block when I got the inevitable "WHERE ARE YOU?! GET DOWN HERE!" texts that seem to come standard with these sorts of events. I love them :).

Anywho, for the most part, Jubilee days was very fun. There was a brewfest, which I was only able to walk around at because wristbands were $35 dollars, it went until 6 pm, and we didn't get out of class until 3 pm. Sigh.  I went to the street dance three (or four?) nights. I can't quite remember as that was a very busy week for me. I think it was three. I only drank two of those nights, thank you very much! So, for anyone who was thinking that... ha. At the street dance they had bands, drinks, country swing, and old time silent films/Westerns (1920's-1930's) being projected onto the side of local businesses. It was pretty damn cool. There's a video on my FB for anyone who wishes to check it out. So, that was jubilee days.

We recently found a nice place to hang out in Laramie to play volleyball and such when it gets hot out, which is pretty often. We've been doing it quite a bit, and it's a good time.

NOW ONTO THE GOOD NEWS! So, there's this organization called the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Psht... "this organization", it is THE organization. It's the governing/licensing body for my field. The national conference is in Chicago this year and guess what....?


AHHHHHHHHH. I'm so FREAKIN' excited (think of me saying that in the same voice as Kristen Wiig does in that SNL skit about the surprise party--that's not an exaggeration of how excited I am). I mean, THIS IS ASHA. Woo woo! My friend's proposal, which I'm a part of, was also accepted. We are pretty pumped. So that happened. :)

My said friend and I were asked to help out with some screenings for the local kindergartner's this week by one of our professors. I forgot how funny little kids are. We are often told that normal kids will look like geniuses when you've been around a lot who have impairments/delays, and they were not exaggerating. I will talk about two little boys and two little girls. Here are a few funny things that happened:

1. There was a little boy--the second one I grabbed. He came into the hallway with me. Here is how the exchange went. B (boy) M (me/Mia).

B  (in a very confidential tone): "You know, I can change into lots of different things. I just be myself at school because I don't want to scare people."
M (intrigued): Really? That's awesome, and probably a good idea. What sorts of things do you change into?
B: OH, LOTS OF THINGS. I mean, I can be Dash and run super fast (The Incredibles), I can be the Hulk from The Avengers (I was later told this is because he's the toughest one), I can be a HUGE lizard.
M (Under a time crunch): That's so cool! Let's get started, though.
M (all I can think about is Ted at that point): Wow. That is something. Let's get started. (I begin the story), "One day, Scott"

This is how that exchange went. I don't think I got through one story without commentary. Alas, the kid was pretty cool. Now onto the next one.

I go in and grab this little boy who has a very feminine name. He is from another country. We head into the hallway, and this is what happens (keep in mind that every time I put *wave*, it means he is waving to someone that may all the way down the hallway):

M: I'm going to tell you a story, when I'm finished, I want you to tell me that story. Are you ready?
B: *wave*
M: I tell the story, and he waves/points probably twelve times. Okay, now you tell me that story.
B: *wave* Story.
M: Just tell me what you remember.
B: Nods.
M: Do you remember anything?
B: Nods.
M: Okay, tell me what you remember!
B: *waves* What I remember.
M: Yep! What you remember. Go ahead.
B: Nods. *waves* *points*
M: Just do your best.
B: Smiles.
M: Do you remember anything?
B: Nods. *waves*
M: Okay! Just tell me whatever you remember...
B: What you remember.
M: Want to move on?
B: Nods.

That is how that went. After the first story, I realized he didn't speak English.

Onto the ladies. I had one little girl who was AMAZING at retelling the stories; however, she wanted to refer to each character as a different name. She called the first character "Scott", which is actually his name. She insisted on calling "Jessi" (this was an edit I made for my best friend, Chess) "Sara", and was adamant that "Kwan" needed to be called "Prince Eric". She was cute.

The next girl seemed to be pretty cool, but she was a little hellion (actually, in the scheme of things, she wasn't too bad). Here is how the exchange went. We didn't talk really until we sat down at the table for testing:

M: So, how are you today.
G (in a perfect unintentional impression of the Cookie Monster's voice): GOOD.
M (a little startled): Awesome!
M: Well, we are going to do some stories, are you ready?
We do the first story.
M: Now you tell me that story.

SIDEBAR: clearly, this is akward. This little five year old girl sounded like the Cookie Monster (Google it if you must--that is not an exaggeration). Generally, you would compliment someone back in the same manner. After a pause I said.

M: Thank you so much! You have a beautiful..... dress. I really like the color.
G (this seemed to satiate her): OH, THANK YOU!
M: Let's keep going.
Halfway through the second story she interrupts me.
M: Oh, thanks. Let's keep going though.
G (gets a devilish gleam in her eye): NO, I REEAAALLLY LIKE THEM.
M (realizing this girl is coming onto my purple suede shoes): Well, thanks! Let's keep going.
M: Maybe you will someday. Anyways....
I continue the story. After all three stories, I tell her it's time to go to the classroom. She keeps refusing and won't leave the chair. I try to be kind, to be patient, to be nice, but she is not having it. She is glued to that little blue kindergarten chair. So I turn on the angry voice (which I've only had to use once or twice with my clinic kids), and it goes like this:
M (the picture of calm, poise, authority, and I've had enough of this shit hovering over her with my hands on my hips): You need to get up now, or I will need to get your teacher to bring you back in the room. I don't think you'd like that very much.
G (wide eyed, as Cookie Monster as ever, and jumping out of her chair): OKAY!

So, it was a pretty good day all in all. Now I have to go study for the quiz tomorrow that I've been avoiding. I also have to do some more kindergarten testing and research stuff, so maybe I'll have some more stories. Also, I'll be home in less than two weeks!!!!!!

Night, y'all.

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