Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pink and blue and bows.

This past weekend I took a little jaunt over to the Soo for my best friend's bridal shower. Her colors are navy blue and fuchsia and as would be expected, everything was pink (and white)! She's adorable. It was her spring break from med school this past week, and she was in Marquette looking for an apartment for her clinical rotations beginning this June. I got to spend Sunday and Monday with her! It was nice. Then, as I mentioned, I had her bridal shower. It's the most I've seen her in that short of a period of time since we lived in the same city I think! I've missed her lots.

Anywho, the bridal shower was very cute. Her maid of honor did a great job organizing it, and we all had a wonderful time. A group of us went out Saturday night and had more fun, so it was a successful weekend all in all!

I can't believe I only have two and a half weeks left at my Marquette externship!  I'm REALLY going to miss it. A lot of funny things happen at the preschool, but I've come to understand both that I find things funny that others may not, and also that context is pretty important for a lot of the things that happen. Additionally, I need to keep them anonymous and some of the humor in the situations comes from which kids have done these things--if that makes sense. Anyways, here are a couple of cute things that have happened at the preschool:

Young girl (same one who is the "girlfriend" from the last story): UGH. It's just SO hot in this bra I'm wearing. (Looks to see if I'm paying attention... I don't look at her). UGH. This BRA is just SO HOT. (I nod and walk away. That girl, haha).

Young enthusiastic boy who asked a question about Tooter in the last post. This also happened during show and tell: (To child who brought show and tell) I WOULD LIKE TO TOUCH IT.
Teacher: I don't think you need to. It's not yours.
YEB: (Turns to teacher) I wasn't asking you.

The previously mentioned child is just SO good at reasoning and talking his way out of things, that sometimes you can't do anything but giggle.

I'm sure there's more, but I've forgotten. OH! I have a young one who is now insisting on calling me "Peanut Butter". Hilarity usually ensues and the kids in the class love it, but he's the only one who is calling me that (so far). You, too, may call me "Peanut Butter" if you want now I guess.

Also! Someone special is coming to visit me in less than three weeks, and I am SO excited!!

Anyways, I need to go order shoes for my friend's wedding in June. Love y'all!

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