Sunday, September 27, 2015

Animals like to pee on me.


Long time, no talk. Goodness gracious. I have photos of food I have made recently, but I will have to wait until next time (hopefully this week) to post those. :) Today, though, I will give a quick update.

Work has been NUTS, but I love every minute of it. The staff at my school and my students make me happy every day :).

A few weeks ago we went to one of my man's friend's homes for Sunday Dinner. His mom is a fantastic cook. We had fried crappie, jalapeno hush puppies. different forms of salads (e.g., potatoes, coleslaw, etc.). It was awesome! Then we went and shot guns and had a good 'ole Southern time. It was grand.

Anyways, we were at the house (which is in the middle of some hills surrounded by farm equipment and animals and I just loved it), and I saw that they had chinchillas. I had never pet a chinchilla before, so my friend got one out. Well....... I was holding it and all was going well, then it peed on me. Urination numero uno.

I know that a number of funny things have also happened that I intended to tell you about, but I just can't remember them right now. Partly because Scandal is on my Netflix. Partly because the eclipse is going on, and I don't want to miss it. Partly because my computer is saying it might die soon, and I'm trying to get this finished.

So then this Thursday my country gentleman's friends came over. When they went outside for a second, one of them said, "I caught a frog but then he hit my hand, and it went under your TV stand." Now, they had gone to the bowling alley and brought back little arcade trinkets, so I fully thought this was one of those plastic, fake hoppy frogs. Not two minutes later, I saw a real, live frog hopping through my house. So, I went to catch it (along with another girl who was at my house), and I got it. I went to bring it outside, and what did it do?! Peed on me. Urination numero dos.

So, ANYWAYS. Saysay's mama got a new dog from his sister's boyfriend recently. It's a cutie pie. I am deprived of puppy lovin's right now (seeing as I haven't seen my pup since early August), so I was very excited. I got right down on the floor with it and not ten seconds into our play time I felt a familiar feeling.

Yes. That warm, wet, ISTHISREALLYHAPPENING, feeling. I have experienced this feeling (in recent years) myself when I was on the road and couldn't find a bathroom anywhere in the freakin' state of Iowa. See my 2012 posts for that wet and embarrassing adventure. Anyways. The dog peed on me. Obviously, I did not care because he is a precious young pup. Urination numero tres (spelling? I know that's the French way to do it.)

I just thought it was funny that I have recently been peed on THREE TIMES by little animals.

Such is life.

At least my students haven't done that yet. (Was that too much?).

Okay, so I lied. Apparently, I have more battery than I thought.

 Here are a couple pictures of things I've made recently.

Here is a caramel, cinnamon apple monkey bread I made!
Here is a lemon garlic asparagus, summer squash, and cherry tomato veggie pasta that was yummilicious :). 

Off to watch the eclipse! Love, y'all! xoxo 

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