Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dippies, flippies, and chippies.

SO. It's Sunday night and once again the weekend has flown by MUCH too quickly. As I have been sick lately, I tried to kind of take it easy this weekend. (Also, it's only three days later and I'm updating already!! So far so good with the being more diligent in posting). In the words of Kel Mitchell, "Ahhhh it goes!"

HOCKEY. It doesn't really exist out here. I mean, it does. But not really. But kind of. But not at all. I was like a little child walking into the rink. My friend was laughing at me because I was so RIDICULOUSLY EXCITED to just be in an ice rink. The hockey was terrible, and we had to pay to get in ($3 for club?!) but then we met a few of the players out later that night and found out it was for rink fees (which I figured), so I was more okay with paying after that. Gotta support the dream right?? Anyways, I think the final score of the game was 18-3 us. We beat Colorado State's club team--they had 11 players, and one got kicked out for "fighting". Shiiiit shoooowww. NONETHELESS, it was hockey and I was in an ice rink with a great group of girls and that was good enough for me. Just the sound of skates on the ice was enough to make paying worthwhile :). I'm assuming the games will be better once we get some competition; at least, that's what I'm told. Also, my cousin TBo--who is currently living in the greater Boston area, was at a BC game. So I was getting constant updates and picture highlights of that :).

DANCING. So, Friday night after the game the girls and I went out (go figure). It was SO much fun. We have to blow off steam somehow with how ridiculously demanding and time consuming this program is--spending even more time together out and about is our escape of choice :). Anywho, we started out at the Buck, which is like Laramie's equivalent of the Sav/Back Door (Soo) and Vera ('quette). The dancing was a ton of fun, but our group likes the Cowboy the most, so when the creepers decended (and our belongings were decidedly molested by a long-haired man in shorts and Kanye sunglasses) we took off to do some country dancin'. One of my friends knows EVERYONE. Like, for real; that includes incredible cowboy dancers. I have been steadily learning some moves, but I was able to dance with a guy that was REALLY good this weekend. I did a couple new dippy and flippy things, and it was awesome.

DOWN TIME. For some reason--despite being in awesome company and doing awesome things--I was feeling pretty down on Friday. I don't really know what it was. Probably a combination of a lot of things. But anyways, I got over it by watching "Hey Arnold" and going to sleep. If that's not success, I don't know what is.

TERROR. I hate scary movies. I am a baby. If a scary movie involves a ghost or anything paranormal (excluding aliens) it will freak the ever-livin' out of me. The majority of my friends out here love them though, so we had a scary movie night. This was complete with cookie dough, brownies, ice cream, chips, and drinks. I have been eating pretty vegetarian lately, so all this junk food DID NOT do wonders for my stomach. Bleh. But that is beside the point. First, we watched The Crazies. It was weird, and there were a few jumpy parts that got to me, but for the most part I enjoyed the movie. I wasn't scared. Then, we watched The Descent in which the characters pissed me off. There was a moment I was not expecting in this movie, though. It scared me so bad I literally teared up. On-par with paranormal shit is jumpy shit. BLAH. This was a jumpy moment. Alas, we finished the evening with the Ryan Reynolds edition of The Amityville Horror. I maintain that this is one of the most terrifying movies ever made. It is both jumpy and paranormal. I verified this notion with myself by realizing last night that I had never watched the movie in its entirety. I closed my eyes through most of it this time, and was super nervous to go home (as I now live alone). Normally, I'd cuddle with my dog and watch Disney channel until I felt better. I was pleasantly surprised to find that after being home for ten minutes last night, I wasn't scared. I watched Drive Me Crazy (Melissa Joan Hart/Adrian Grenier) and fell asleep easily. Progress, my friends. I am growing up.

CHURCH. Ever get the feeling that God is speaking directly to you? Yea, that happened today. It was interesting, and now I don't know what to do. But that's okay. To quote one of my favorite authors of all time "My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?" (Charles Schulz). Okay, so not all of those are true. I have direction and aim, but at the moment I am still searching for my purpose and meaning, yet I'm happy. Truly happy. That's a wonderful feeling. Think about it. I'll leave you all with that for now.


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