Sunday, October 21, 2012

Roundabouts, zombies, home, and H-E-Doublehockeysticks.

Sooo... let's just get right to the topics.

HELL WEEK. This next week of school is going to SUUUCCCKKK. I have two midterms, theses to input data for, three reports, oral mech and audiology examinations, a supervisor meeting for my clinical abilities (which also requires analyzing tape of myself in a session and filling out self-evaluations), five sessions, and another exam to study for for the next week. Wahhhhh. Oh, well. After this week, it will calm down a ton.

SIDE NOTE: I'm listening to How I Met Your Mother and Marshall just mentioned the Upper Peninsula. SCORE. Also, last night I was in Fort Collins, CO and in this TINY dive bar (a little bit funny that I made the word "tiny" larger than the rest, eh? Oh, the irony.) there was a "Say 'Yah' to da UP, eh?" sticker on the bar. Cool, eh? I'm going to stop saying "eh?" now. I digress.

So this week for school is pretty much going to suck. But I FINALLY have a child (younger than 10) client and I am so excited!

POKES AND PROFESSORS. Last weekend was our homecoming, and Mark Farney came to visit! He is a friend from home that I grew up with and it was GREAT to have him here. He showed up at the game (right before it started pouring rain) with his suitcase and backpack. We went to where my friends were sitting, watched the game for a bit, and then decided to take off. Partly because the game was boring (and we ended up losing despite our 17 point lead), and mostly because the sheets of rain were pelting us in the face. We went back to my friend Rebecca's house and ate some elk stew. Then, it was out for the night. We went to the Buck first (which I KNOW I've talked about before), and saw the professor I'm a GA for there. I talked to him for a bit, and then went back to my friends. I did not realize he was there for a while though, and I continued to dance like a maniac (think getting up on chairs and everything). C'est la vie. It was fun. So then we took Marky to The Cowboy. He picked up on the country swing really quickly and we had lots of fun! All in all, I drank a little too much, but it was a SUPER fun homecoming. The next day, I drove Marky to Denver. First, we grabbed dinner at a brewery. It was delicious. Then, I took him to the airport where he flew back to the land of the rich and famous. :)

PUBLISHHHHH. So. I am a graduate assistant at the university for a totally awesome professor. I think I've mentioned him before. He's the one where, when you're in class he'll say, "ARE YOU GUYS FREAKIN' EXCITED ABOUT THIS LECTURE? 'CAUSE I'M FREAKING PUMPED ABOUT THIS LECTURE!!". It's very entertaining. Anywho, he is in the process of publishing a test (and this test has a few versions). I have been helping out with editing stuff for my GA and guess what?! My name is in the manual! I didn't really do anything substantial other than help them edit, but it will be the first time my name will be published IN PRINT for something related to my degree. I was uber excited about it, and it reinstated my enthusiasm for doing a thesis and trying to publish my other paper. If you want to check it out, go to the following link and scroll to page 2:

HOMETOWN HOCKEY. So. I got a very pleasant surprise earlier this week. My cousin texted me and said he would be playing for the Colorado Eagles for a bit (which is only an hour and a half from me!!!). I have been very fortunate to see a few people from home since I've moved here, but no family. So this was extra special. I rounded up two of my closest friends here and we headed to Loveland for a few hours for the game. The rink was awesome, actually. They had these mini donuts (like the ones at the Chippewa County Far that I love, and was coincidentally talking about earlier this week) and beer. We watched the game while enjoying some cinnamon-sugary goodness and Bud Light (we were at the Budweiser Events Center, after all). My cousin played great and after the game we decided we would goo get some food before heading back to Laramie.

ROUNDABOUTS. Are now my enemy. So. We were going to a restaurant in downtown Fort Collins to eat. I was driving. It was dark, but that is no excuse for what happened next. My friend asked me if I had ever done a roundabout before. I said, "Psht. I live in Michigan. We have roundabouts and Michigan turnarounds on every road pretty much." Well, my overconfidence in my driving abilities did NOTHING for me on this occasion. We came up to the roundabout. I was going far too fast. As I took the corner, my cousin said something along the lines of, "Woah! Curb!" and I nailed it. I said, "Whoops!" and kept driving.... for about 300 feet. When I realized (or my cousin realized) my tire was flat. We pulled over and luckily I had a spare and a tire changing kit. We threw on the flashers and my poor cousin (who was hit in the face earlier in the night and wearing a suit) had to change the tire for me. A lady cop showed up, and did nothing. So her presence was pointless other than the fact that her cop car was behind mine, and therefore making us feel a TON safer that we wouldn't get peeled by another car. My cousin got the tire changed (thank God he was there) and we were on our way. I let him drive until we dropped him off later that night.

ZOMBIES. Downtown Fort Collins apparently had a "Zombie Walk" last night. Translation: the entire downtown was crawling with people in various torn/dirty/bloody bits of clothing and horrific theatrical makeup. COOL. The restaurant we were trying to eat at was closed, so we ended up at Jimmy Johns. After eating, we walked back out on the street. There were SO MANY PEOPLE. For the first time, I felt out of place being dressed normally. Oh, well. After all my cousin put up with yesterday, I felt that I owed him a drink. We ended up at that little dive bar (the one with the UP sticker) and had a shot and a beer. Then, we took him back to his apartment and left for Laramie. It was SO wonderful to see him, and I can't wait to go to another game!

I'll try and post again after this week is done. I ask you all to pray for three things: my grades, my health (I don't want another cold!), and my sanity. Shanks :). 

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