Wednesday, June 4, 2014

That moment when...

You don't pay quite enough attention to a job application, and you end up leaving the name of the school in your previous letter of interest for the one you are otherwise applying to. Yea. That happened. And I was wondering why they didn't call haha. FOR THE RECORD: I was asked if I wanted to work at a different location in that city, so I'm not too hurt about it at the moment. Anyways, it's a little too close for comfort to something at the moment. Vague? Sorry.

So I've been having an interesting go with this whole job application thing. It's different than I anticipated. I submitted a few more tonight, and I plan to submit yet more tomorrow. It's all a bit exciting and I'm enjoying it :). All applications are down South--as I mentioned they would be. That's all I'll give ya for now.

Other than the job hunt, things have been pretty good. I am loving TC still. I mean, how could you not? My mum and dad came to visit last weekend for my sister's softball districts; it was SO nice to see them. They are so cute, and I love how in love they are. That was sappy, I know. I just like seeing people happy, and they are happy, and that makes me happy :). Sappy, happy, happy, happy. I sound like Uncle Si from DD. Anywho, it was great to see them.

One of my best friends is getting married in a couple of weeks and I CAN'T FREAKIN' BELIEVE IT. Her fiancee is wonderful, and I'm so extremely happy for them. Also, I'm happy for her to be done with her med school boards in less than a week, which she is taking right before her wedding, because she is flocking crazy. If there were anyone in the world who could handle that with the grace and (seeming) ease, however, it would be her. She is a force to be reckoned with, and I pity the board examiners she is going to steamroll with her intelligence (I LOVE YOU, LADY!).

This has been an odd summer, I must say. A lot has happened, and yet, not much at all. I'm feeling kind of free at the moment. Not like, AHHH YES I'M FREE I'M FREE, but like, "Yea, this is cool. I'm enjoying this going home and laying on the deck and going for runs and watching movies at night and hanging by the water and enjoying the landscape and loving where I'm at and relaxing" sort of thing. Some disappointing things have happened, but what I've learned about that is that it's pointless to dwell.

Quotes that are consistent with my thoughts on life and current situations (so that I don't sit and explain a situation, because that would be boring as hell):

“And that's the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too.” “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”
“It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”

The authors were George Washington, Khaled Hoseini, and Albert Einstein. Game time... figure out the order. Ready? Go!

I just finished a book that I started months ago; didn't love it, for the record. It was The Casual Vacancy. The character development and writing style were good, but I didn't love the story.

Not many stories I can share about the hospital recently. 

For the meantime, I'm enjoying where I'm at. I'm in a wonderful place with good people, great weather, meaningful lessons, and perpetual beauty (internal and external). That's what I'm still loving about being at the hospital. I'm thankful every day. Every. Single. Day. Not a bad way to be :).

I'll let you know when I know where I'll be in a couple of months (ahem*EMPLOYMENT*ahem). Love y'all.

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