Tuesday, June 17, 2014

J. O. B. and the internal compass.

Oh, hello there. I have a job. 'tis true. Here are the details:

1. It is in Arkansas.
2. It is warm in Arkansas.
3. The place I'm moving to does not get tornadoes, like, ever (this is very important for those who really know me).
4. It is at a preschool/elementary school.
5. I am very much excited about and looking forward to this new adventure.

The story is kind of funny. So, I was waiting on this other job I had mentioned and then this school asks to set up a Skype interview with me. We are Skyping and it is all going VERY well. I told them that I was waiting to hear from another school--which I was--and they said something along the lines of, "Well, if we were to offer you the job right now... what would you say?" They didn't; however, they did call my references and offer me the job two hours later. I asked if I could have a couple hours to mull it over (they were looking to hire very quickly). I called the other school (which was supposed to let me know by that same day of there decision) and nothing happened. SO.... I accepted the job. It was really too good of an offer to pass up. The other place had been kind of hit or miss with their communication anyways.

SIDEBAR: The following Monday I got a phone call from the district I couldn't get ahold of saying that they were going through HR changes and to please not accept a position somewhere. At that point, it was too late. I had.

I am extremely happy with my choice. Not only did it have better benefits and perks and such, but it's also in a preschool/elementary school. That's right where I wanted to be (the other job was at a middle school). It's in a city that is close to a few of my friends, and only a few hours away from some of my family members, so I'm really looking forward to it all!

The hospital has been great. I've gotten to see SO many interesting things. Today was one of those days where I felt like this was my actual job--as in, I felt comfortable making prognostic comments and medical judgements without the help of my supervisor. Pretty dang cool. Even though today was crappy outside (at first), the day was just beautiful. I learned a lot. The people were great. Beautiful day, beautiful life. Another exciting thing: people are calling me an actual speech therapist! I know I'm technically a student for three and a half more weeks, but still. I get little butterflies whenever someone says it or asks for my clinical judgement or says, "my speech therapist...". YAY :).

I went to Charlevoix to watch my sister's softball tourney this weekend and got to hang out with/stay at my aunt and uncle's house. I love my family so much. All of them. They are seriously the best people I could ever ask to have in a family and they are all in mine. Whadda ya know!? 

Well, I've been sitting at the coffee shop now drinking water (I finished my food a while ago) and doing work for a bit too long without purchasing something, so I should probably head home. No wine or beer for me tonight--I'm watching my girlish figure for my best friend's wedding this weekend!

Which I am very excited for.


Because it's going to be incredible and fun and wonderful.


New things on the horizon! I'll try to keep you updated. Hey! Now that I'm leaving Michigan again (in a different direction on the compass this time) maybe I will have some funny/interesting stories again. I'll be in a preschool/elementary school after all and, as we know, kids are pretty dang entertaining.Also, I'll be in the South :).

Love, y'all.

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