Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Festivals and Farewells.

Why, hello there. I am now back in Marquette... for a week. I leave for Arkansas for training in three short days. Crazy!

My last few weeks in Traverse were great. I feel blessed to have had the supervisor I did--I learned so much. The patients and everyone else were fantastic, as well. The Cherry Festival was going on my last week in TC, so the traffic was crazy. I was told that 300-400,000 extra people flood the city for the event. I met up with a friend at the festival and we walked around and had dinner. I had some local fries and a delicious corndog (yea, I like 'em) and a caramel apple. Well, we split the caramel apple and an elephant ear so needless to say, I was full. Like, beyond full. The food was good and we got to hear the first bit of Thorogood's set so all in all, it was a good evening!

Since I've been in Marquette I've just been relaxing and spending time with family. It's been great. I've called on a few apartments in Arkansas, and it seems like there is a lot of availability. Hopefully I'll find something easily--fingers crossed! I can't believe that this time next week I'll be in training for my BIG GIRL JOB. Wow!

I'm looking forward to being able to share more stories with you once I move down South. It'll be a whole different world, but I'm excited about it. I'm excited for my daddio, who recently accepted a new job, as well! Lots of exciting things happening. I'll try to keep you updated.

Love, y'all.

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